Donations in lieu of flowers please. Either through this website or post to
Cooperative Funeralcare, 3 Holly Court, Tring Road, Wendover HP22 6PE
£156.25 inc giftaid was raised for Great Ormond Street Hospital Charity
A charity dear to Alan as he was such a small, early baby and needed a lot of help when he was born.
£318.75 inc giftaid was raised for Myaware (Myasthenia Gravis Association)
Myasthenia means muscle weakness. This is confined to the voluntary muscles, muscles whose action is normally controlled by an individual's will such as the arm and leg muscles, and does not affect either the autonomic system or sensation. The autonomic system regulates the functions of the heart, stomach and intestines. People with myasthenia have characteristically fatigable muscles and the harder people with myasthenia try, the weaker they get. They are often strongest in the mornings and get weaker during the day.
The funeral was conducted by:
The Midcounties Co-operative